What we are doing

This is mostly a blog about our attempts at sustainable living, Gardening, Great exotic plants that are a step away from the usual.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Banana Solution

From the lunchbox project

Banana Tiptoe

We play this little game at our house. My husband buys bananas, one or two get eaten, one or two rot away, then we don't see them for several months (he refuses to buy them if wasted). In order to keep the supply coming, we have to make sure they are all eaten in a timely manner and not allow rotting. Its delicate timing...you don't want to eat them quickly and have banana overload, yet you don't want to stop future banana commerce either.

An amazingly simple solution exists here. When the first brown spots appear, or slightly before if you know they will not be needed I get out sandwich freezer bags, or a bigger bag if there are a lot of bananas and peel all the bananas. If they are just getting iffy then just placing gently in the bag in the freezer till they will take rougher handling, but if you have them still firm or firm from being slightly frozen you can the suck out the air from the bag without crushing the bananas.

One easy way to remove the air is to seal the bag down to a straw. At that time you can hold the bag against the straw as you suck in, removing most of the air. The as you continue and pinch harder on the straw you get out much of what is left and , still sucking on the straw, you pull the straw out as the bag clicks shut. This does not get 100% of the air but it can get enough to prevent most freezer burn.

It is best to put in an appearance in a few hours when the bananas are well frozen but not completely and move them about a bit. Stuck together bananas are easy to get apart at this time and once apart will not stick together even if frozen for a long time.

To eat I often wrap the bottom of the frozen bana in a napkin or paper towel, and then use the paper towel to clean another mess or soak in grease and freeze for future barbie fires (see above).